

Lex菜鸟,之前做slides用过LibreOffice, PowerPoint, S5和reveal.js,S5和reveal.js都是结合org-mode来做的,非常方便,但做出来的slides只能通过浏览器来展示,而且定制性不是太好. LibreOffice, PowerPoint固然很强大,但是不合我口味,太easy, 好吧,我承认我是自虐狂。后来听说latex的beamer库也可以做slides而且效果还不错,故而google了2天,找各种模板,各种实验,那个烦啊…

不过还好,两天之后终于找到自己比较满意的模板,这里跟大家分享下,另外再分享下其它的东东, 感谢 Yixf和X-Wei两位大神!

Install xen on Fedora20

Installing the Packages

To install the Xen Project software, just run:

# yum install xen

as root. yum will, as usual, take care of downloading and installing anything that is needed. As a part of that, it also create a new GRUB2 boot menu entry. Once the installation is complete, just reboot and select “Xen 4.x.x” from the GRUB2 menu.

If on Fedora 18 and 19, you will likely see something like “Xen 4.2.x”. If on Fedora 16 or 17, it will have “Xen 4.1.x” in it. It is also possible that you only see something like “Fedora, with Xen hypervisor”, and that is also ok.


How to install iozone

  1. Download iozone tarball from http://www.iozone.org/.

  2. Extract it:

# tar -xvf iozone3XXX.tar
  1. # cd iozone3XXX/src/current/

  2. Choose your platform(my platform is AMD64) and run # make AMD64

Features and Functions

My TODO List

我的TODO List, 时间2014-11-14 to 2015-05-01

  1. Learn OpenStack (Include RH OSP & OpenStack on Feadora/Upstream), Finish RH OPS Certification

  2. Learn KVM and prepare a presentation in S1

  3. Learn AWS

  4. Learn RHEV-H & RHEV-M, try to Finish RHEV Certification. Try to run/get familiar with RHEV-H test cases

  5. Try to get familiar with libvirt project (IEEE test plan)

  6. Try to get familiar with Hyper-V project (IEEE test plan)

  7. Of course RedHat way to test a product!


How to install netperf

  1. Download netperf from ftp://ftp.netperf.org/netperf/netperf-2.6.0.tar.gz

  2. Install netperf from source code

# tar -xvzf netperf-xxxxx
# cd netperf-xxxxx
# ./configure --enable-burst
# make
# make install

Performance Testing

What is performance testing?

  • It is a type of non-functional testing.
  • Performance testing is testing that is performed, to determine how fast some aspect of a system performs under a particular workload. Performance testing measures the quality attributes of the system, such as scalability, reliability and resource usage.
  • The goal of performance testing is not to find bugs but to eliminate performance bottlenecks.
  • It can serve different purposes like it can demonstrate that the system meets performance criteria.
  • It can compare two systems to find which performs better. Or it can measure what part of the system or workload causes the system to perform badly.
  • This process can involve quantitative tests done in a lab, such as measuring the response time or the number of MIPS (millions of instructions per second) at which a system functions.
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