

在接触TeX两年之后,依然对于TeX的一些术语之间的关系表示不解。比如LaTeX、pdfLaTeX、XeLaTeX、TeX Live、CTeX等等。这些术语究竟代表什么?它们之间是怎样的关系?


首先是一种宏语言,同时其也是一种排版引擎。基本的TeX系统只有300多个元命令 (primitive) ,十分精悍,但是很难读懂。

IRC/ERC commands

Register your nick name

/msg nickserv register passwd MailAddress (you can type /msg nickserv help for help)

/msg nickserv set password newpasswd (you can type /msg nickserv help set for help, and you can also use this to change email or hidden your info)

Send message to jianlee but can view by everyone

jianlee: msg (you can use tab to finish the name)

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